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  2018年9月,我所乔丽娟律师参加了由上海证券交易所举办的第六十二期独立董事资格培训,经考核合格,获得上海证券交易所颁发的独立董事资格证书。   关于独立董事,根据我国《公司法》以及中国证券监督管理委员会9月30日刚刚发布的《上市公司治理准则(2018修订)》之规定,上市公司必须设独立董事,独立董事应独立于所受聘的公司及其主要股东,不得在上市公司担任除独立董事外的其他任何职务。上市公司审计委员会、提名委员会、薪酬与考核委员会中独立董事应占多数。   担任独立董事,按照中国证监会、上交所及深交所规定,应具备上市公司运作的基本知识、熟悉相关法律法规,具有五年以上法律、经济、财务、管理或者其他履行独立董事职责所必须的工作经验,并取得独立董事资格证书。   乔丽娟律师,法学硕士,执业8年,取得证券业从业资格,洛阳市律师协会公司证券与金融保险法律业务委员会委员、洛阳市律师协会非诉讼法律业务委员会委员。   ***领域:公司常年法律顾问、法人治理、投资并购重组、矿业权纠纷。   现担任大型集团公司、国有企业、矿业公司常年法律顾问,全程服务多个股权挂牌交易、新三板挂牌、企业改制、公司增资扩股、并购项目;代理多起矿业权纠纷。



  随着国家对劳动方面的法律法规日趋完善和劳动者法律意识、维权意识的不断增强。为进一步提升人力资源和劳动合同管理水平,洛阳国宏投资集团有限公司根据年度法律培训计划,邀请河南盈法律师事务所律师、“先为讲师团”成员沈文君于2018年9月26日,为国宏集团总部及下属企业人力资源管理人员进行了“企业劳动合同管理及法律风险防范”专题讲座。   沈文君律师紧扣《劳动合同法》的相关条文总结了劳动合同和人力资源管理的特点,并结合案例向参加讲座人员介绍了在日常管理中需要注意的事项,课堂上,沈文君律师从企业用工类型区分与适用、劳动合同的订立、劳动合同的履行与变更、劳动合同的解除与终止四个方面进行了详细的解读与分析,尤其针对国有企业集团员工实习、劳务派遣、岗位调动、辞退和除名等热点问题提出了自己的看法和建议。课后,部分人力资源管理人员又纷纷和沈文君律师单个交流,沈律师一一进行了释疑解惑。 先为讲师团   企业一经成立,就时刻面临劳动合同管理及法律风险防范问题,国有企业作为中国特色社会主义的重要物质基础和政治基础,是我们党执政兴国的重要支柱和依靠力量,强化国有企业人力资源和劳动合同管理是构建国有企业建立和完善现代企业制度重要组成部分。河南盈法律师事务所律师作为包括国宏集团在内的多家国有企业的常年法律顾问,高度重视国有企业法律服务,组建专门团队从事国企运营、管理涉及法律事务的研究和实务,积累了较为丰富的法律服务经验,愿意为众多国企深化改革、开创发展新局面建言献策。



李志强律师宣讲 曹明哲律师宣讲 法制宣讲活动现场 法制宣讲活动现场   河南盈法律师事务所应邀参加了中国移动通信集团河南有限公司洛阳分公司举办的中国移动河南公司2018年“法治移动,和法同行”法治宣讲活动。   曹明哲律师   2018年9月19日,我所曹明哲律师为中国移动洛阳分公司的员工进行了《侵权责任法》、《***高人民法院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》的法律知识培训。曹明哲律师围绕侵权案件的构成要件、举证规则以及发生侵权案件后各项赔偿标准的计算依据等内容,结合移动公司在实际经营过程中所遇到的真实案例进行讲解,针对侵权事件的“事先防范”、“事后补救”等问题,提出了有效的应对策略,取得了良好的培训效果。   李志强律师   2018年9月26日,我所李志强律师为中国移动洛阳分公司的员工作了《反垄断法》、《反不正当竞争法》、《行政处罚法》、《行政强制法》的法律知识培训。李志强律师针对该几部法律中涉及的垄断行为、不正当竞争、虚假宣传、侵犯商业秘密、商业贿赂、不正当有奖销售,以及可能产生的行政处罚和行政强制措施等内容,结合相关案例,作了详细的讲解和风险提示,使与会人员参与企经营合法合规性有了更加深入的认识。通过此次法治培训活动,增加了中国移动洛阳分公司到会员工们的法律知识储备,提高了员工们的法律意识,受到了一致好评。 移动公司法律服务团队   河南盈法律师事务所作为中国移动洛阳分公司常年法律顾问,由李志强、肖春、曹明哲律师组成法律服务团队,在提供法律服务过程中,将日常普法培训和专题讲座相结合,为公司培养有法律意识的员工,给公司以法律支撑,更大程度去引导公司依法经营和规范管理,***终实现防患于未然,减少和避免损失,使公司有更多的精力专注于发展。


Who is responsible for the patient's vegetative state caused by sudden power outage in the operating room

Reprinted from China Legal Information Network[Case]The plaintiff Jia Jinglan filed a lawsuit stating that on July 30, 2005, the plaintiff was diagnosed with cholecystitis and admitted to the defendant Shangqiu Third People's Hospital for treatment. On August 2 of the same year, the plaintiff underwent cholecystectomy. Due to the defendant's incorrect diagnosis and treatment of the plaintiff, the plaintiff became unconscious. During the rescue period, due to a power outage in the ward and the defendant's lack of emergency measures for power outage, the plaintiff was in a persistent vegetative state due to cerebral hypoxia, resulting in a first degree disability. For this reason, the plaintiff went to Henan Provincial People's Hospital and Shangqiu * * * People's Hospital for treatment, and spent hundreds of thousands of yuan on medical expenses. However, the plaintiff's persistent vegetative state is irreversible. The current situation and various losses of the plaintiff are all caused by the defendant's medical negligence. In order to protect the plaintiff's legitimate rights and interests, the plaintiff has filed a lawsuit with the court to request that the defendant compensate a total of 520000 yuan for medical expenses, loss of work expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, hospitalization meal subsidies, nutrition expenses, disability compensation, emotional distress compensation, rehabilitation expenses, appraisal fees, and other expenses.The defendant, the Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City, argued that: (1) the plaintiff has no factual and legal basis to prove that the defendant was at fault during its diagnosis and treatment process. The plaintiff should first undergo a medical accident appraisal, determine the hospital's responsibility, and then conduct a judicial causal relationship appraisal. (2) Power outage is a fact, but whether it occurs or not is not under the control of the hospital. The power department should be added as the defendant, and the power outage causing brain hypoxia and the plaintiff's vegetative state is not a * * * * reason. Based on this, the people's court should dismiss the plaintiff's lawsuit request in accordance with the law.After trial, the People's Court of Liangyuan District, Shangqiu City found that on the evening of July 30, 2005, the plaintiff was hospitalized for treatment at the defendant Shangqiu Third People's Hospital due to abdominal pain, and was diagnosed with cholecystitis. On August 2 of the same year, he underwent cholecystectomy and developed a coma after the surgery. At around 4am on August 5th, during the rescue period, the ward suddenly experienced a power outage. Due to the defendant's inadequate emergency measures, the plaintiff suffered from prolonged brain hypoxia, resulting in sustained vegetative damage to brain nerve cells. The plaintiff was hospitalized at the defendant's office until August 10, 2005, and incurred medical expenses of 25337.51 yuan. On the same day, he was transferred to Henan Provincial People's Hospital for inpatient treatment, and was hospitalized until August 29th of the same year, with a medical expense of 65231.5 yuan. The diagnostic opinion in the diagnosis certificate issued by Henan Provincial People's Hospital is: the patient has multiple organ failure, septic shock, and postoperative acute suppurative cholecystitis. The treatment process and treatment suggestion are as follows: it is recommended to return to the local hospital for further formal treatment after automatic discharge, continue to resist infection, protect the kidneys, improve brain metabolism, improve cerebral blood flow, and promote awakening treatment. The plaintiff was transferred to * * * People's Hospital in Shangqiu City for hospitalization and treatment on the day of discharge from Henan Provincial People's Hospital, and was hospitalized until November 21 of the same year. In addition, a total of 49663.9 yuan was paid for medical expenses during the defendant's treatment period at the * * * People's Hospital in Shangqiu City. The diagnostic opinion in the diagnosis certificate issued by the * * * People's Hospital of Shangqiu City is: hypoxic brain damage and vegetative state. The treatment process and suggestions include: strengthening nursing, accompanying 2 people, passive limb exercise, preventing muscle atrophy, medication treatment, etc. The plaintiff was hospitalized three times for 111 days. During the plaintiff's hospitalization, a subsidy of 7090 yuan was provided for medication expenses due to treatment needs. After discharge, the expenditure on purchased rehabilitation drugs was 1446 yuan, and transportation expenses were paid at 2020 yuan. The plaintiff has not yet recovered. The appraisal conclusion of the Jingjiu Judicial Appraisal Center in Shangqiu City is that the Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City had a series of faults and defects in the diagnosis and treatment of Jia Jinglan's cholecystectomy, which is directly related to the serious adverse consequences of Jia Jinglan's "persistent vegetative state" (vegetative person) constituting a level 1 disability. The plaintiff sued this court for compensation based on the defendant's serious negligence during the treatment process, resulting in a dispute. In the lawsuit, the defendant applied to the People's Court to entrust the Medical Association to conduct a medical accident appraisal. The plaintiff failed to cooperate on the grounds that they had already conducted a causal relationship judicial appraisal and fulfilled their burden of proof, resulting in the termination of the medical accident technical appraisal.It was also found that the monthly salary income of nursing staff Jia Xiangmin was 1972 yuan, and the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Henan Province in 2005 was 8667.97 yuan.TrialAfter the trial by the People's Court of Liangyuan District, it was found that the plaintiff's sudden power outage in the ward during the defendant's hospitalization was an objective fact, and the defendant recognized it. Based on the judicial appraisal certificate issued by the Jingjiu Judicial Appraisal Center in Shangqiu, combined with the diagnostic certificates from Henan Provincial People's Hospital and * * * People's Hospital in Shangqiu City, it is sufficient to determine that due to a sudden power outage in the ward, the ventilator used by the plaintiff could not work for a long time, and the defendant did not take emergency measures in a timely manner, resulting in brain hypoxia and damage to the plaintiff's brain nerve cells in a vegetative state, constituting a level 1 disability. The plaintiff was hospitalized for treatment at the defendant's place due to illness, and the defendant has an obligation to ensure the plaintiff's personal safety. During the plaintiff's coma rescue period, the defendant should know that emergency equipment, such as power outages, will have serious adverse consequences on the plaintiff's life and health. The defendant should have prepared emergency equipment but failed to act, which is a gross negligence. The plaintiff shall bear civil liability for serious personal injury caused by the defendant's gross negligence during the treatment process. Therefore, the plaintiff's demand for compensation for medical expenses and other losses from the defendant complies with legal provisions, and this court supports it. The medical expenses are calculated based on receipts as 25337.51 yuan+65231.5 yuan+49663.9 yuan+7090 yuan+1446 yuan=148768.91 yuan. The disability compensation is 8667.97 yuan/year x 16 years=138687.52 yuan. Jia Xiangmin's nursing delay fee is 1972 yuan/month ÷ 30 days x 111 days=7296.4 yuan. The cost of nursing delay for another relative is 8667.92 yuan/year ÷ 365 days x 111 days=2636 yuan. The nutrition fee is 888 yuan for 111 days x 8 yuan/day, and the hospitalization meal allowance is 111 days x 10 yuan/day=1110 yuan. Compensation of 1500 yuan for transportation expenses is discretionary. Considering the defendant's degree of fault, economic ability to bear responsibility, and extremely serious consequences caused to the plaintiff in this case, which have caused tremendous mental and physical pain and torture to the plaintiff, it is appropriate for the defendant to compensate the plaintiff with a compensation of 50000 yuan for mental damages. The total amount of the above items is 350886.83 yuan.The People's Court of Liangyuan District, Shangqiu City, in accordance with Article 106 (2) and Article 119 of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, as well as Article * * of the Notice of the High People's Court on the Trial of Civil Cases of Medical Disputes with Reference to the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents, has made the following judgment:1、 The defendant, the Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City, shall compensate the plaintiff Jia Jinglan with a total of 350886.83 yuan in medical expenses, disability compensation, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, nutrition expenses, hospitalization meal subsidies, and mental distress compensation within 15 days from the effective date of the judgment.2、 The acceptance fee for this case is 10210 yuan, other fees are 3060 yuan, appraisal fee is 3000 yuan, the defendant bears 13270 yuan, and the plaintiff bears 3000 yuan.After the first instance judgment was made, the defendant Shangqiu Third People's Hospital appealed against it, stating that the facts determined in the original trial were unclear, the evidence was insufficient, and the judgment was inappropriate. They requested the second instance court to revoke the original judgment and change the judgment to reject Jia Jinglan's lawsuit request. The reason is: 1. Judicial appraisal was unilaterally entrusted by the appellant, and its procedure violated the rules of evidence. The content of judicial appraisal is illegal, and the appraisers do not have medical appraisal qualifications. The original trial found that the judicial appraisal did not exceed the scope of appraisal and was incorrect. 2. The first instance erroneously cited an analysis opinion from a judicial appraisal that did not qualify for medical appraisal, confirming that the respondent was in a vegetative state due to inadequate emergency measures taken by the appellant, resulting in prolonged hypoxia. This case requires medical accident appraisal. In the first instance, the appellant applied for medical accident appraisal, but due to the lack of cooperation of the respondent, it could not be carried out, and the respondent should bear the adverse legal consequences. 3. The evidence of the compensation amount is insufficient. The first instance judgment determined that the diagnosis certificate submitted by the appellant indicated the need for two people's care, but the appellant did not see the explanation. The original trial confirmed the other person's care expenses; The fee bill submitted by the appellant is the cost of treating their own illness and should not be included in the compensation amount; The documents for the respondent's purchase of drugs and devices should not be protected because the documents themselves do not have legality; The transportation fees and train tickets submitted by the appellant do not specify their purpose and are not within the scope of compensation; The nursing staff salary certificate provided by the respondent is a stamped and then written certificate, and it is also a certificate from the personnel department; The Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents stipulate that the compensation for mental distress caused by disability shall be calculated for three years, while the first instance judgment of 50000 yuan lacks basis.After trial by the Intermediate People's Court of Shangqiu City, Henan Province, it was found that Jia Jinglan was hospitalized at the defendant Shangqiu Third People's Hospital for treatment of abdominal pain and underwent cholecystectomy. After the surgery, she developed a coma and eventually developed a vegetative state. The evidence is sufficient and can be confirmed. Except for Jia Jinglan's preoperative examination expenses of 1500 yuan and some purchased drugs expenses of 1056 yuan, which should not be compensated by the defendant, the rest believe that the first instance viewpoint is correct and the judgment is appropriate. According to the provisions of Article 153, Paragraph (1) and (3) of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Judgment of the People's Court of Liangyuan (2006) Shangliang Minchu No. 188 is amended as follows: The Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City shall compensate Jia Jinglan with a total of RMB 348330.83 for medical expenses, disability compensation, transportation expenses, nursing expenses, nutrition expenses, hospitalization meal subsidies, and mental injury compensation within 15 days from the effective date of this judgment. The first instance case acceptance fee is 10210 yuan, other fees are 3060 yuan, and the appraisal fee is 3000 yuan. The Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City will bear 13000 yuan, and Jia Jinglan will bear 3270 yuan. The second instance litigation cost is 13270 yuan, which will be borne by the Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City at 13000 yuan and by Jia Jinglan at 270 yuan.[Analysis]1、 The application of laws and regulations in the determination of medical accident liabilityAt present, the regulations on the determination of liability for medical accidents in China can be roughly divided into two different principles of attribution, as well as two different legal and regulatory systems formed under the influence of the aforementioned principles of attribution. One is the "accident theory" and the "Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents" that emerged under the influence of this main viewpoint. The "accident theory" emphasizes that after a medical dispute occurs, patients must first obtain a medical accident appraisal before they can sue the hospital for compensation. Otherwise, the court should not accept the medical accident appraisal as a prerequisite for initiating the judicial compensation procedure. The Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents basically adopt the perspective of "accident theory", stipulating that "if it does not belong to a medical accident, medical institutions shall not be liable for compensation.". The second is the "fault theory" and the judicial interpretation of the "Notice on the Trial of Medical Dispute Civil Cases with Reference to the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents" that emerged under the influence of this main viewpoint. The theory of fault emphasizes that the standard for measuring civil liability for compensation for personal infringement damages is whether the actor is subjectively at fault, rather than an accident. That is, if the hospital cannot provide evidence of the lack of causal relationship and fault between medical behavior and damage results in the lawsuit, it should bear the legal consequences of losing the lawsuit. The judicial interpretation basically adopts the perspective of "fault theory", which stipulates that for medical compensation disputes caused by medical accidents that occur after the implementation of the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents, if sued in court, the compensation liability shall be determined by referring to the compensation principles, scope, and calculation methods stipulated in the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents. Other medical compensation disputes arising from reasons other than medical accidents shall be governed by the provisions of the General Principles of Civil Law. It is not difficult to see that there are two distinct perspectives and understandings in dealing with medical disputes.The author believes that only those who believe that medical accidents can be accepted by the people's court as medical injury compensation cases; The viewpoint and understanding that medical institutions do not assume compensation responsibility if it does not constitute a medical accident, and the people's court cannot accept it as a medical injury compensation case, is both theoretically and practically incorrect. This is because, firstly, the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents focus on the administrative handling and supervision of medical accidents, and belong to the administrative procedural norms for medical administrative departments to handle medical accidents. According to the provisions of China's Legislative Law, the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents, as an administrative regulation, have no authority to regulate the trial work of people's courts on the compensation responsibility for medical accidents. Secondly, although the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents also stipulate the corresponding civil liability for damages that medical institutions should bear due to medical accidents, this regulation does not belong to the norms of civil substantive law and is purely an administrative legal norm. Medical injury compensation cases are not limited to medical accident damages, but should also include non accident medical damages that do not constitute medical accidents, but according to legal provisions, medical institutions should bear responsibility. Thirdly, according to the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents, if a medical accident is constituted, the medical institution shall bear the liability for compensation; Medical institutions shall not be liable for compensation if it does not constitute a medical accident. It simply defines medical disputes as medical accidents, excluding medical errors that do not constitute medical accidents and non medical accidents from the scope of medical compensation. This obviously goes against the basic legal principle of civil law that "citizens and legal persons who, due to their fault, infringe upon the property of the state or collective, and infringe upon the property and personal of others, shall bear civil liability.". Therefore, the application of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China and the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China by the two levels of people's courts in the trial of the case is in line with the current legal spirit and basic judicial concepts in China.2、 On the Recognition of the Facts and Responsibilities of Medical ErrorsThe two levels of people's courts, based on the judicial appraisal certificate issued by the Shangqiu Jingjiu Judicial Appraisal Center, combined with the diagnosis certificates of Henan Provincial People's Hospital and Shangqiu * * People's Hospital, have determined the fact that Jia Jinglan was hospitalized for abdominal pain at the defendant Shangqiu Third People's Hospital, underwent cholecystectomy, and developed coma after the surgery, ultimately leading to a vegetative state. They also believe that due to a sudden power outage in the ward, the plaintiff's ventilator could not work for a long time, and the defendant did not take emergency measures in a timely manner, resulting in brain hypoxia and damage to the plaintiff's brain nerve cells in a vegetative state, constituting a level 1 disability. The evidence is sufficient and can be confirmed. The author believes that the determination of the facts and the acceptance of evidence by the two levels of people's courts in this case are in line with relevant legal provisions in China and are correct.Medical accident technical appraisal, according to its legal attributes, is a conclusion drawn by the Medical Accident Appraisal Committee on whether the medical department has gross negligence in medical behavior. The conclusion of medical accident technical appraisal is the basis for health administrative organs to handle medical accident disputes. However, if it involves civil damage compensation litigation, whether to bear civil liability is not necessarily related to the conclusion of medical accident technical appraisal. Therefore, medical accident technical appraisal is not the only basis for the People's Court to hear medical dispute cases. In other words, "the conclusion of medical accident technical appraisal is only evidence for the people's court to review and determine the facts of the case. Whether it is used as the basis for determining the medical unit's liability for compensation should be cross examined by the court.".***Article 28 of the "Several Provisions on Evidence in Civil Litigation" of the Supreme People's Court stipulates: "If one party entrusts a relevant department to make an appraisal conclusion on their own, and the other party has sufficient evidence to refute and apply for re appraisal, the people's court shall allow it.". This regulation clarifies that the parties have the right to unilaterally entrust relevant departments to conduct appraisal. Although the Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City has raised objections to the judicial appraisal conclusion, it has not provided sufficient reasons and evidence to refute it in the first and second trials of this case. Therefore, the first instance court's failure to approve its application for re appraisal does not violate legal provisions. This case belongs to a medical negligence compensation dispute. According to the provisions of the Notice of the * * * High People's Court on the Trial of Civil Cases of Medical Disputes with Reference to the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents, medical accident appraisal is not necessary, but judicial appraisal can be conducted. The Shangqiu Jingjiu Judicial Appraisal Center holds a judicial appraisal license issued by the Henan Provincial Department of Justice and has the qualification for judicial appraisal. The judicial appraisal license shows that its appraisal business scope includes forensic appraisal, forensic pathological appraisal, and other aspects. Regarding whether Jia Jinglan was at fault with the hospital during his hospitalization at the Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City and the relationship with Jia Jinglan's adverse consequences, as well as whether the appraisal conclusion made by Jia Jinglan's current disability assessment did not exceed his professional scope, and all three appraisers have clinical appraisal qualifications. The appraisal process is legal. For medical disputes between doctors and patients, there is no explicit legal provision that medical accident identification must be carried out first, followed by causal relationship judicial identification. Therefore, the application for medical accident appraisal requested by the Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City in the second instance lacks legal basis, and the failure to conduct appraisal does not affect the outcome of this case. The court's refusal to allow it is also in accordance with the above legal provisions. The Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City did not provide evidence that the appraisal conclusion was indeed incorrect. Therefore, the legal validity of the judicial appraisal conclusion should be confirmed and can be used as the basis for the determination of this case. The two-level people's court has determined that the Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City committed gross negligence in the diagnosis and treatment process of Jia Jinglan, which is objective and truthful, and the evidence is sufficient.3、 Can the power outage behavior of the power sector be a reason for medical exemption, and should the power sector be added as the defendant***The Notice of the High People's Court on the Trial of Civil Cases of Medical Disputes with Reference to the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents stipulates that if a medical compensation dispute arises from a medical accident after the implementation of the regulations and is brought to the court, it shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the regulations; Other medical compensation disputes arising from reasons other than medical accidents shall be governed by the provisions of the General Principles of Civil Law. Article 2 of this notice stipulates that in civil trials, if the people's court decides to conduct judicial appraisal of medical accidents based on the application of the parties or their authority, the appraisal shall be organized by the medical association as stipulated in the regulations. If other medical compensation disputes arising from reasons other than medical accidents require judicial appraisal, the appraisal shall be organized in accordance with the Regulations on the Administration of Judicial Appraisal Entrusted by People's Courts to Foreign Parties. According to general practice, in the event of a doctor-patient dispute, the first step is to conduct a medical accident appraisal. If it does not constitute a medical accident, then a judicial causal relationship appraisal is conducted.Based on this case, * * *, the plaintiff's cause of action is a medical negligence compensation dispute; Secondly, during the rescue process, the plaintiff suffered from a power outage in the hospital, resulting in cerebral hypoxia and vegetative state, which is not a medical behavior, and the provisions of the General Principles of Civil Law should be applied. In the lawsuit, the defendant, the Third People's Hospital of Shangqiu City, applied for medical accident appraisal. The plaintiff, Jia Jinglan, refused to cooperate as she had fulfilled her burden of proof, resulting in the termination of the medical accident appraisal. However, the defendant did not raise substantial objections to the judicial appraisal certificate issued by the Shangqiu Jingjiu Judicial Appraisal Center before the original complaint and did not apply for re appraisal. According to the spirit of Article 28 of the Several Provisions on Evidence in Civil Litigation issued by the * * * High People's Court, if one party entrusts the relevant department to make an appraisal conclusion on their own, and the other party has no evidence to refute and apply for re appraisal, the people's court shall accept it. Thirdly, in case of medical disputes between doctors and patients, if there is no explicit legal provision, medical accident appraisal must be conducted first, followed by judicial appraisal of causal relationships. Therefore, the conclusion of judicial causal relationship appraisal should be accepted.In this case, the hospital argued that the power outage was not under the hospital's control and that the reason for adding the power department as the defendant was not accepted by the court. This is because in the event of a doctor-patient dispute, the patient's counterpart is a medical institution and not the same legal relationship as the power department. Moreover, the patient is in a coma rescue period, and the hospital should be aware that if the rescue equipment encounters unexpected reasons such as power outage, it will have serious adverse consequences on the patient's life and health. It should be equipped with emergency equipment. In this case, the hospital's failure to provide emergency equipment was a gross negligence. Therefore, patients who cause serious harm to their personal health due to the hospital's gross negligence during the treatment process should bear civil liability.


Research Report on Lawyer's Trademark Business

  Ma Xiang, Intellectual Property Committee of the All China Lawyers AssociationTable of contents***Analysis of the Important Role of Trademark in Social and Economic Development1、 Trademarks have penetrated into various aspects of social life2、 The trademark recognition function is more prominent, and the trademark recognition function creates profits for enterprises3、 Trademark management is a high realm of enterprise operation4、 Trademark is the primary asset of a company5、 Cultivating well-known trademarks is one of the two core contents of the national intellectual property strategy and a good strategy for transforming China's economic development modeChapter 2 Analysis of the Current Situation of Trademark Legal Services in China1、 The volume of trademark legal services in China is huge2、 The overall level of trademark legal services in China is low3、 Lawyers have not become the leading force in trademark legal servicesChapter 3 Comprehensive Analysis of Lawyers' Ability and Responsibility to Provide Trademark Legal Services1、 The necessity for lawyers to engage in trademark legal services2、 The possibility of lawyers providing trademark legal services3、 Lawyers have obvious advantages in providing trademark legal services4、 Internationally, trademark legal services are primarily provided by lawyers5、 Lawyers engaged in trademark agency business have broken down barriers6、 Chinese lawyers have accumulated certain experience in trademark legal servicesChapter 4 Analysis of the Prospects of Lawyers Engaging in Trademark Legal Services1、 The volume of trademark legal services in China is huge and continues to grow2、 Lawyer * * * entering the field of trademark legal services will increase the volume of trademark business3、 Lawyers will undoubtedly become the main force in trademark legal servicesChapter 5 How Lawyers Can Do a Good Job in Trademark Legal Services1、 Lawyers need to practice their internal skills well2、 Please have the Ministry of Justice vigorously promote, provide policy support, organize and coordinate, strengthen supervision, and safeguard rights and interests3、 Please promote, support, and encourage the National Bar Association4、 Guidance, training, and standardization of trademark business by the National Lawyers and Intellectual Property CommissionChapter 6 The Importance of Lawyers Providing Good Trademark Legal Services1、 Beneficial for the implementation of the national intellectual property strategy, serving the transformation of the country's economic development mode, and building an innovative country2、 Beneficial for lawyers to serve agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, and can have a good social effect3、 It is conducive to reflecting the positive role of the Ministry of Justice in guiding lawyers to serve the national intellectual property strategy and serve the national economic construction.4、 It is conducive to improving the efficiency of trademark authorities and courts, reducing case backlog, and improving the quality of case trials.5、 It is conducive to promoting the expansion of lawyer business, expanding the influence of lawyers, and improving the social status of lawyers.***The significant role of trademarks in social and economic development1、 Trademarks have penetrated into various aspects of social lifeChina has had the "White Rabbit" trademark since the Song Dynasty, and there were also well-known trademarks during the * * * period. Before the reform and opening up, due to China's implementation of a planned economy, trademarks had no place to be used. It was not until the promulgation of the Trademark Law in 1983 that the number of trademark applications in China gradually increased. Nowadays, trademarks are closely related to our lives, from the watches we see when we wake up in the morning, the cars we drive to work, various stationery used in the office, to the food seasonings for dinner, all have trademarks. Someone once calculated that people deal with at least hundreds of trademarks in a day, and trademarks have fully integrated into our lives. For this reason, people have expressed the emotion of "what will happen to the world if humanity loses its trademark"!2、 The trademark recognition function is more prominent, and the trademark recognition function creates profits for enterprisesFaced with a dazzling array of products in the market, trademarks enable us to identify and shop, and select satisfactory products in a short period of time, saving us valuable time. The original recognition function of trademarks plays a crucial role in this process.With the advancement of science and technology, commodity production has become almost intelligent. Not only is the variety and quantity of commodities extremely abundant, but also commodities are becoming increasingly homogeneous. With the rapid development of transportation, communication, Internet, and logistics, domestic and international markets have been formed. The emergence of large malls, supermarkets, and shopping centers has made it possible for consumers to shop around three or even a hundred, and the identification role of trademarks has become more prominent.With the improvement of people's living standards and the enhancement of purchasing power, when consumers choose goods, they are not only satisfied with the physical functions of the goods, but also pay more attention to the connotation expressed by the trademark of the goods. Wearing Armani suits can reflect identity and status. Chanel perfume is used to prove taste. "Armani" and "Chanel" trademarks fully commend consumers. In addition to traditional recognition functions, trademarks also have a new function, which is the recognition function. According to an experiment conducted by Stanford University in the United States, when two identical fries were placed in front of children, one bag was labeled with the M trademark and the other bag was not labeled with any trademark. 77% of children chose fries labeled with the M trademark and believed that fries with the M trademark were more delicious. Based on the recognition function of trademarks, consumers are not only willing to pay for the goods themselves, but also willing to pay for the trademark. The commendation function of visible trademarks can not only create profits for enterprises, but also create high profits.3、 Trademark is the primary asset of a companyIn the era of commodities, due to the scarcity of goods, the factories and equipment of enterprises play a decisive role. In the era of capital, enterprises with strong funds can be in a favorable position, and investment and financing are extremely important. In modern society, entering the knowledge-based era, intellectual property rights such as trademarks, * * *, and copyrights determine the survival and development of enterprises.Every enterprise may not necessarily have * * * and copyright, but it should have a trademark. The trademark has been accompanying the growth and development of the enterprise since its establishment, and the reputation, popularity, technological advantages, product quality, advertising and promotion of the enterprise are all accumulated on the trademark****** An additional 20 years of protection and only 50 years of copyright, but as long as the trademark is continuously renewed, it can obtain permanent protection and become more valuable as used. In the 2010 Hurun China Brand List, "China Mobile" ranked * * * with a brand value of 267 billion yuan (see Annex 1). In 2010, Wal Mart ranked among the top 500 BrandFinance global brands with a brand value of 41.365 billion US dollars (see Annex II). It can be seen that the value of trademarks has far exceeded the value of tangible assets, becoming the primary asset of enterprises.Trademarks are an important productivity of enterprises, and they can generate profits for enterprises, especially in fast-moving consumer goods industries such as food and clothing. Trademarks are the source of profits for enterprises, which not only determine their development, but also influence their survival. In the high-tech industry, trademarks also play an extremely important role, such as Facebook's operation of the "Facebook" trademark, which is recognized as one of the key factors for its success; Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod and other series of products have been selling well worldwide thanks to its successful trademark application*** The recent hype over Apple's "iPad" trademark incident has highlighted the value of the trademark by Shenzhen Vipshop, which claims to have Apple compensate 10 billion yuan in the United States.4、 Trademark management is a high realm of enterprise operationThe commendation function of a trademark determines that it can create excess profits for the enterprise. When enterprises enter a stable period in terms of product quality, technology, management, etc., but encounter development bottlenecks, trademark operation often becomes the best way for enterprises to achieve breakthroughs. The successful experience of well-known enterprises in developed Western countries fully confirms that trademark management is the highest level of enterprise operation. The core content of trademark management is to endow a trademark with specific cultural connotations through long-term systematic engineering such as advertising, enhance the recognition function of the trademark, arouse consumers to purchase goods marked with the trademark, make consumers willing to pay a high exchange price for the trademark, and thus obtain high profits for the enterprise. For example, Coca Cola Company has endowed the "Coca Cola" trademark with the recognition function of "vitality, passion, creation, and enjoyment", and continuously strengthened it. Using brown beverages as carriers, it has gained rich profits worldwide, enabling the enterprise to develop in a long-term and healthy manner, achieving its century long legend.5、 Creating and cultivating well-known trademarks is a good strategy to transform China's economic development modeThe number of well-known trademarks in a country often reflects its economic strength and competitiveness to a certain extent. Famous trademarks are the wealth of a country, as they can occupy larger markets or even monopolize them. Countries with world-renowned trademarks often occupy an advantageous position in international competition.China has fully recognized the important role of trademarks in social and economic life, and the importance of creating and cultivating well-known trademarks for the country. In the National Intellectual Property Strategy Outline issued in 2008, encouraging the creation and cultivation of well-known brands was included as two core contents. In order to effectively implement the strategy of cultivating well-known trademarks, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce has formulated the National Trademark Strategy, identified demonstration cities and enterprises for trademark strategy, and actively carried out trademark strategy work in various provinces, cities, industries, and enterprises. Trademark work has become a major event in China's social and economic life.In 2010, in the BrandFinance Global Brand Value 500 list, there were no Chinese companies in the top 10. Among the top 100, only 3 Chinese companies were shortlisted (see Annex 3), which is clearly disproportionate to China's second largest economy in the world. For a long time, Chinese enterprises have not made brand profits, but have worked for world-renowned trademark enterprises, utilizing China's mineral resources and human resources, and even paying the price of high pollution to make small profits. According to an article in the Intellectual Property Daily, most world-renowned * * products are manufactured in China, labeled with world-renowned brands, and then sold to Chinese people. The foreign trademark owners make excess profits after * * *. 80% -90% of China's export products use foreign trademarks or no trademarks. 90% of Chinese joint ventures use foreign trademarks, and 90% of the Chinese beverage industry uses foreign trademarks. Even for well-known domestic enterprises such as Changhong, TCL, and Konka, 89% of exports must be labeled with foreign trademarks. Therefore, in transforming its economic development model, China particularly emphasizes the need to create and cultivate its own well-known trademarks, produce and sell branded goods, earn brand profits, and change the world's factory situation. It can be seen that trademarks will play a greater role in the new economic situation.Chapter 2 Analysis of the Current Situation of Trademark Legal Services in China1、 The volume of trademark legal services in China is hugeAs of the end of 2010, China had a total of 8.295 million trademark registration applications, 5.628 million registered trademarks, and 4.604 million valid registered trademarks, all of which ranked among the world's * * *. The number of trademark applications and registrations in China is increasing at a rate of over 20% every year. In 2010, the number of trademark applications in China reached 1.072 million, a year-on-year increase of 29.1%, ranking first in the world for nine consecutive years. (See Attachment 4)In 2010, there were over 100000 trademark changes, renewals, transfers, and licensing contracts; There are over 100000 trademark disputes, including trademark objections, revocations, reexaminations, and disputes; More than 50000 trademark administrative complaints; 43596 trademark infringement cases; 2828 first instance cases of trademark administrative rights confirmation.As of June 30, 2011, the number of trademark registration applications was 604855 million, an increase of 34.84% compared to the same period last year. It is expected to reach a new high throughout the year, exceeding 1.4 million. According to the statistics of the Trademark Office, 92.1% of trademark applications are represented by agency agencies.Currently, there are over 5 million registered trademarks in our country, with at least 50000 applications for renewal and around 50000 applications for change each year. Among the over 5 million registered trademarks, there are several hundred thousand main trademarks of large-scale enterprises, and monitoring and raising objections to them also generates a significant amount of business.The trademark legal service business is not only large in volume, but also covers nearly 40 types of service projects (see Annex 5).According to preliminary statistics from China Intellectual Property Daily, the annual agency fees for trademark application and other agency services in China alone reach 5 billion yuan. The agency fees for trademark protection and anti-counterfeiting, civil infringement, consulting and consulting, monitoring and other services are not lower than those for trademark application and other agency fees. Therefore, the estimated agency fees for trademark legal services in China are currently over 10 billion yuan.After the lawyer * * * intervenes in trademark business and the fees become more reasonable, the fee standards will be significantly increased, and the income from trademark business will definitely be considerable at that time.It is precisely based on the huge trademark legal service market in China that as of August 30, 2011, there were 6572 trademark agencies in China, and 900 new ones were added from January to August 2011. However, the total agency volume of the top ten trademark application agencies is less than 8%, indicating that the competition in trademark agency business has not yet formed a monopoly, and lawyers still have the opportunity (see Annex 6).2、 The overall level of trademark legal services in China is lowThe trademark agency business in our country began in the early 1990s. At that time, the agency agencies were mainly public institutions under the industrial and commercial bureaus of various provinces, cities, and economically developed regions and cities. Most of the employees were staff from the original trademark offices and departments of the industrial and commercial bureaus. Their legal service experience and level were not high, and they could only handle simple trademark applications and trademark rights disputes.After 2003, the State Council abolished the administrative approval for trademark agency and opened up the business of trademark agency. Trademark agency agencies grew rapidly like mushrooms after rain, from 147 in 2002 to 5678 in 2010 (see Annex 7). Although the quantity has increased, the quality is still uneven. Consulting companies, newspapers, advertising agencies, matchmaking agencies, and even shoe and car repair workers also work part-time as trademark agents.There is almost no threshold for trademark agency, and practitioners are mixed with good and bad. Unfair competition, violation of professional ethics, one hand supporting two people, illegal transfer of customer trademarks, malicious objection, forging of trademark acceptance notices, collection of customer official fees and agency fees, and human evaporation often occur. There is no way for customers to complain, and the trademark authority and trademark association agent branch are also helpless because there are no regulatory laws, regulations, or rules. Customers can only sit quietly at the entrance of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Fake evidence and official seals have caused headaches for the Trademark Office and commercial judges. The backlog of a large number of cases by the Trademark Office and the judges is closely related to the low level of non-standard trademark legal services.Due to the low service level and lack of experience of most trademark agency companies, they can only attract customers by reducing agency fees. Before 2003, the agency fee for each trademark application was around 1000 yuan, which was much lower than the international average agency fee of about $2000. At present, the agency fee for each trademark application has been reduced to 200 yuan by many agency companies, and even as low as 50 yuan. Administrative litigation for trademark rights confirmation is a high-level, sophisticated, and cutting-edge business of trademark business, and agency companies only charge around 2000 yuan for such cases, far below the cost price. The level of service can be imagined. In a solemn court, such agents cannot even answer the plaintiff's name and place of residence smoothly, seriously affecting judicial efficiency.Of course, among many agency companies, there are indeed a few that have been established for a long time, high service levels, and rich experience. However, it should be emphasized that most of these agency companies are serving foreign customers. When the agents of domestic enterprises encounter them, they are not a heavyweight at all, which is very detrimental to the maintenance of the interests of domestic enterprises.In short, the chaotic situation in the trademark agency industry has seriously damaged the interests of customers, increased the workload for trademark administrative and judicial authorities, and seriously affected efficiency. The overall low level of trademark legal services in our country has created obstacles to the development of our trademark industry and the implementation of intellectual property strategies, to the point where governance is necessary. Otherwise, it will have a negative impact on our social and economic development, transformation of economic development mode, and participation in international competition.3、 Lawyers have not become the leading force in trademark legal servicesAt present, most trademark legal services in China are represented by agency companies, and lawyers have not yet become the main force in trademark legal services. The reason analysis is as follows:1. There have always been obstacles for lawyers to engage in trademark agency businessTrademark agency business is the foundation of other trademark legal services. Only by providing good trademark agency services or having rich experience in trademark agency can we better engage in other trademark legal services. However, for a long time, lawyers have been excluded from trademark agency business and cannot provide * * * trademark legal services, which seriously affects the development of lawyer trademark business.2. Insufficient understanding of the important role of trademarks and trademark legal services by lawyersDue to the fact that lawyers do not engage in trademark agency business, they fail to recognize the commendation function of trademarks and overlook the important role of trademarks in a market economy.Lawyers have always mistakenly believed that trademark legal services are simple and not what lawyers should do. In fact, there are many types of trademark business, complex procedures, and a large amount of evidence. Various rights conflicts, trademark approximations, and the scope of trademark protection are all dynamic, providing lawyers with space to play a role.3. Low fees for trademark legal servicesThe level of trademark legal services is complex, the cycle is too long, the amount of evidence is large, and many rights conflicts are involved. Lawyers have a large workload, but their income is low, and most of them use risk agency. The investment and income of lawyers are not proportional, and young lawyers are unwilling to do trademark business in order to survive. Many high-quality lawyers, even those who study intellectual property, give up trademark business.Chapter 3 Comprehensive Analysis of Lawyers' Ability and Responsibility to Provide Trademark Legal Services1、 The necessity for lawyers to engage in trademark legal servicesTrademark is a tool for enterprises to obtain profits, and enterprises need to receive a large amount of important legal services in the process of creating, using, managing, and protecting trademarks. The duty of a lawyer is to serve the clients and seek to maximize their interests. Lawyers cannot stand idly by when it comes to the demand for corporate trademark legal services. Lawyers, as long-term or specialized legal advisors for enterprises, also have the responsibility to assist enterprises in using trademarks to obtain greater benefits for the enterprise. They may not provide or fail to provide trademark services, and may not be competent in providing legal services for modern enterprises. Engaging in trademark legal services not only expands the professional field of lawyers, enabling them to provide intellectual property legal services and increase income, but also contributes to the implementation of the national intellectual property strategy and the transformation of economic growth. It is very necessary for lawyers to provide good trademark legal services.2、 The possibility of lawyers providing trademark legal servicesTrademark business belongs to legal services. Is it legal for enterprises to use and apply for trademark registration? Is there a conflict with prior rights? Review and administrative litigation after trademark rejection; After the successful registration of a trademark, there are legal issues related to the administrative, civil, and criminal protection of exclusive rights, such as providing evidence to prove legal facts and applying the law.Lawyers are professionals engaged in legal services and undoubtedly have the possibility of providing trademark legal services. Compared to * * * business, lawyers are more likely to engage in trademark business. Trademarks do not have a professional threshold for lawyers, and lawyers have more opportunities to interact with enterprises and have a better understanding of them. In trademark business, it is often necessary to provide evidence to prove the time and popularity of trademark use, and engaging in such work is the expertise of lawyers. Especially in cases such as trademark administrative rights confirmation, trademark disputes, and trademark exclusive rights protection, legal representation is more suitable. Therefore, trademarks are the main aspect of a lawyer's intellectual property business, and lawyers are better able to grow rapidly and achieve results in this area.3、 Lawyers have obvious advantages in providing trademark legal servicesCompared with trademark agents, lawyers have higher legal literacy, proficient legal service skills, * * * litigation skills, and comprehensive service capabilities. We have every reason to believe that lawyers can do a good job in trademark business, and we also have every reason to believe that lawyers do better than trademark agents. Many trademark agency companies claim to have many lawyers, and trademark agents also claim to be lawyers, which proves that lawyers have more advantages than trademark agents. Moreover, lawyers have a strong sense of professional ethics and norms. Lawyers generally do not handle tasks such as supporting two families and forging evidence, otherwise they will ruin their jobs. If the interests of clients are harmed, they can file a complaint with the Judicial Bureau or the Lawyers Association. The competent department will punish lawyers in accordance with relevant provisions of laws, regulations, and rules such as the Lawyers Law. If there is any liability such as compensation, customers do not need to worry. In addition to the joint liability of law firm partners, there is also lawyer's practice insurance as protection. Therefore, considering the professional level, regulatory methods, and customer interest protection of lawyers, it is not only possible but also has obvious advantages for lawyers to engage in trademark business.4、 Internationally, trademark legal services are primarily provided by lawyersTrademarks are an important means for developed countries to gain global benefits, so they attach great importance to trademarks. Multinational companies not only have a few or even dozens of full-time trademark lawyers, but also need to hire * * * trademark lawyers to assist in difficult and complex trademark cases. Siemens in Germany has over thirty trademark lawyers, and there is a specialized trademark lawyer association in the UK, which demonstrates the uniqueness of trademark lawyers in the legal community. Trademark legal services in developed countries such as the United States are mainly provided by lawyers, with the focus on formulating and implementing corporate trademark strategies and strategies. Trademark litigation is in a secondary position, and foreign trademark lawyers are playing an increasingly important role in the decision-making and operation of enterprises.5、 The barrier for lawyers to engage in trademark agency business has been broken downTrademark legal services are of great significance to enterprises, society, and the country. Lawyers are the best choice for trademark legal services, but for a long time, lawyers have been excluded from trademark agency business. In recent years, with the efforts of the Ministry of Justice and the All China Lawyers Association, on July 12, 2010, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce finally revised the "Measures for the Administration of Trademark Agency", which stipulated in Article 4: "If an applicant applies to establish a trademark agency organization, the applicant shall apply for registration with the local industrial and commercial administration department at or above the county level, and obtain the" Enterprise Legal Person Business License "or" Business License ". If a law firm engages in trademark agency, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply." This provision means that lawyers can engage in trademark agency business in the name of a law firm. From then on, the barriers to trademark agency business have finally been broken down, and lawyers can intervene in trademark legal services. The lawyer's trademark business chain has been formed.At present, the Ministry of Justice and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce are jointly formulating the Management Measures for Law Firms Engaging in Trademark Agency Business. After the implementation of this measure, the law firm can file with the Trademark Office, prepay the prescribed fees to the designated account, and officially submit the application documents for trademark registration.6、 Chinese lawyers have accumulated certain experience in trademark legal servicesPreviously, lawyers could not engage in trademark agency business and only handled trademark civil infringement litigation, trademark contract draftingReview, trademark consulting, and other related businesses. But trademark agency not only has a large business volume, but also serves as the foundation for doing other trademark businesses well. More importantly, enterprises need high-quality trademark agents. For this reason, since 1999, law firms have successively established agency companies to engage in trademark agency business in the name of agency companies. According to statistics, at least 89 law firms in Beijing have established law firms, including the top 10 law firms in terms of business revenue. It should be said that these law firms have to some extent met the needs of clients and accumulated some experience in trademark legal services. Some major trademark cases are basically represented by lawyers, which has a certain influence in the industry. Based on these law firms and lawyers, it is entirely possible to develop and strengthen the trademark lawyer team.Chapter 4 Prospects of Lawyers Engaging in Trademark Legal Services1、 The volume of trademark legal services in China is huge and continues to increaseAt present, there are a large number of trademark applications, which have brought a lot of trademark business. However, Chinese lawyers are still concerned whether this is a flash in the pan and have concerns about engaging in trademark legal services. Therefore, through research and analysis, we predict the main trademark legal services after 2011 as follows:1. Domestic trademark applications will remain above 1 million in recent years;2. Reject no less than 50000 applications for reexamination per year;3. There will be more than 50000 trademark objections;4. Trademark review cases have maintained a significant growth on the basis of over 70000 cases;5. The number of administrative litigation cases for trademark confirmation is rapidly increasing on the basis of 3000 cases;6. The number of trademark administrative complaints should be over 70000;7. Trademark infringement lawsuits may grow exponentially, reaching tens of thousands of cases per year.The above prediction is mainly based on the following factors:1. The state and governments at all levels vigorously promote the national intellectual property strategy;2. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce actively implements the national trademark strategy;3. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce vigorously promotes the strategy of geographical indication certification trademarks and agricultural product trademarks;4. There are over 40 million market entities in China, and currently, on average, only 16 enterprises have one registered trademark;5. The awareness of corporate trademarks is gradually increasing, and they will choose more prominent trademarks again;6. Shortening the trademark examination cycle will stimulate an increase in the number of trademark applications;7. After the amendment of the Trademark Law, expanding the subject and object of trademark application, establishing the formulation of examination opinions, increasing infringement costs, and other modification contents will generate a lot of business;In the future, more Chinese companies will go global and more foreign companies will enter China.2、 Lawyer * * * entering the field of trademark legal services will increase the volume of trademark business1. The lawyer's association suggests that clients exhaust all the rights granted by the Trademark Law, protect their interests, and increase the number of trademark cases;2. Lawyers have a more accurate understanding of conflicts of rights, prior rights, malicious registration, and may advise clients to assert their rights to the greatest extent possible;3. In order to prevent others from hitchhiking, cross class protection cases may increase significantly;4. Lawyers have the ability to provide high-end services such as trademark strategy that most agency companies cannot provide, and these businesses will gradually be cultivated as the lawyer's trademark business deepens;5. With the accumulation of experience and improvement of level, lawyers * * * will actively participate in trademark related affairs of enterprises, serve as long-term trademark consultants, provide advice and suggestions for enterprises, fully play the role of trademarks, and help enterprises develop.3、 Lawyers will undoubtedly become the main force in trademark legal servicesFor a long time, although the basic trademark agency business in China has mainly been represented by trademark agency companies, many law firms and lawyers in China have already started trademark agency business by establishing trademark agency companies for a long time, and have a relatively solid foundation. In addition, almost all difficult and complex trademark rights and infringement litigation cases in our country are represented by lawyers, and some lawyers already have very rich experience. At present, China has initially formed a group of lawyers who can provide high-quality trademark legal services. With the breaking of barriers for Chinese lawyers to engage in trademark agency business, more lawyers will inevitably engage in trademark legal services.The needs of the country and enterprises, the progressiveness nature of lawyers and the existing foundation of lawyers in trademark legal services make it reasonable for us to foresee that in the next 3-5 years, most of the trademark agency business will be represented by lawyers, and all difficult and complicated trademark rights determination and infringement cases will be represented by lawyers. Lawyers will become the main force of trademark legal services.Chapter 5 How Lawyers Can Provide Good Trademark Legal Services1、 Lawyers need to practice their internal skills well1. The level of lawyer trademark agency needs to be improvedLawyers can now engage in trademark agency business, and they also have the ability to do this business well, but they need to prevent crowding over, which may lead to a decrease in service quality. Due to the fact that trademark agency business has always been closed to lawyers, lawyers have not given enough attention to trademark business in the past. Although some law firms and lawyers have started to engage in trademark agency business in recent years, and even major cases of trademark litigation are mostly represented by lawyers, the overall level of trademark legal services provided by lawyers needs to be improved. Most lawyers have not been involved in trademark business, and some lawyers make jokes or even harm the interests of clients in trademark agency business. For example, if the trademark has not yet been preliminarily reviewed and announced, they represent clients to raise disputes with the commercial evaluation committee; Accusing others of infringement based on the trademark acceptance notice; The lawyer for trademark investment did not conduct due diligence, and the trademark owner is not an investor.2. The trademark agency cycle is long and the time limit is short, requiring the formation of a long-term and stable * * * teamDue to the complexity of the trademark rights confirmation process, a trademark application can go through all administrative and judicial procedures up to 20 times, and each process cycle is long. An application takes several years or even more to complete, but the time limit for administrative procedures is very short, with only fifteen days for rejecting and opposing applications for re examination. The Trademark Office and the Commercial Evaluation Commission handle trademark cases in writing and never inform the members of the collegial panel. The examiner also does not proactively contact the agent, and the agent can only passively accept notifications from the Trademark Office and the Commercial Evaluation Commission. Therefore, the agent must have a strong sense of responsibility and closely follow every procedure, otherwise it will miss out on major matters. It can be seen that trademark agency business is significantly different from traditional businesses such as securities and litigation, and there are significant risks involved. A long-term and stable * * * team needs to be established to be competent in this job. Law firms should have sound business processes, risk control, personnel management, and other rules and regulations for trademark agency business to ensure business quality.3. Trademark business requires lawyers to invest wisdom and effortEnterprises need to invest wisdom and effort to cultivate a trademark into a brand with high visibility and reputation. Trademarks, based on their intangible characteristics, are more difficult to protect compared to tangible property. A trademark that has been established for a hundred years is insufficient, and it can be more harmful in a moment. Lawyers need to invest more energy and wisdom than tangible assets to comprehensively cultivate, manage, and protect the trademark as the primary asset of the enterprise.2、 The Ministry of Justice vigorously promotes, provides policy support, organizes and coordinates, strengthens supervision, and safeguards rights and interests1. Vigorously promoteAfter the promulgation of the "Management Measures for Law Firms Engaging in Trademark Agency Business", the Ministry of Justice is requested to take this opportunity to issue a document,Clarify the implementation of lawyer trademark agency services by judicial administrative agencies and law associations at all levels. We attach great importance to and promote a series of activities related to lawyer trademark legal services, and use all resources and opportunities to strengthen publicity and promotion. If necessary, we will invite department leaders to attend press conferences and accept media interviews, emphasizing that lawyers attach great importance to trademark business. Lawyers have not only started to engage in trademark agency business, but also will definitely do a good job in trademark agency business. Strive to improve the level of trademark services provided by lawyers, and create a win-win situation for trademark authorities, judicial authorities, enterprises, and lawyers.2. Policy supportLawyers have deep-rooted biases towards trademark business, and there is corresponding policy support within the department. Even small and vague policies can touch lawyers, prompting them to understand, care for, and participate in trademark business, forming a broader understanding and expanding their influence. Introducing preferential policies, especially providing tax reduction, exemption, and refund support to newly established law firms engaged in trademark agency business, creating a favorable environment for lawyers to engage in trademark business, can attract intellectual property agency companies to switch to law firms, increase the talent of trademark lawyers, expand the legal team, and enhance the influence of lawyers in the intellectual property industry.3. Organizational coordinationPlease coordinate with local judicial bureaus and legal associations to support a series of activities related to trademark legal services provided by lawyersProvide strong support for training, seminars, exchanges, and other related activities.After lawyers intervene in trademark agency business, they can improve the efficiency of the trademark office and commercial judges, and reduce the pressure of cases. Therefore, the Ministry of Justice, the Lawyers Association, the Trademark Office, and the Commercial Evaluation Commission have become a community of shared interests. The Ministry is requested to communicate and cooperate with relevant units in various aspects to form a new situation of mutual benefit and common development.The Beijing First Intermediate People's Court, Beijing High Court, and the * * * High Court of the retrial court have been designated as the jurisdictional courts for trademark confirmation cases since 2002. After ten years of practice, they have already achieved a high level of trademark case trial. Lawyers have also accumulated corresponding experience, but not as good as the court's summary and improvement. The two require in-depth communication, which is beneficial for the court to solve the backlog of cases, conduct fair trials, improve their professional skills, and protect the interests of clients. In addition, such cases have a short trial time, which seriously affects the lawyer's performance. The court acknowledges that trademark agents act for a fee and other behaviors that harm the lawyer's interests need to be corrected by the court as soon as possible. But this requires the organization and coordination of the Ministry of Justice to be more effective.4. Strengthen supervisionTrademark agency business allows lawyers to do it, but we must not mess it up. Otherwise, not only will lawyers not have the opportunity to do trademark business, but it will also affect the expansion of intellectual property business such as * *. The complexity, long cycle, and short time limit of trademark agency procedures, as well as the strong mobility of personnel in law firms and the possibility of many lawyers participating in trademark agency business, determine the high risks of these businesses, so strict supervision is necessary.5. Safeguarding rights and interestsFor a long time, lawyers have not been able to engage in trademark agency, but staff of trademark agency agencies can act as paid agents for trademark administrative rights and other litigation cases as citizens. Such litigation is a high-level, sophisticated, and cutting-edge business of trademarks. According to statistics from the Beijing First Intermediate People's Court, more than 90% of trademark administrative rights litigation cases are represented by trademark agents. On the one hand, trademark agents lack necessary and systematic legal training on litigation procedures, evidence rules, legal application, liability principles, and scope of responsibility, which makes it difficult for them to have a * * * * level, harms customer interests, and affects the fairness of court judgments; On the other hand, it disrupts the market, making it difficult for lawyers to collect and pay equivalent agency fees, and judicial administrative agencies and legal associations cannot effectively regulate and control risks. The overall quality of such litigation representation cannot be improved, which undermines the seriousness of the judicial system. Trademark agents, in order to win the trust of customers, charge higher agency fees by claiming to be lawyers and claiming that the company has several lawyers, which damages the image and interests of lawyers and has a negative impact on society. Please coordinate with relevant departments to resolutely rectify the above two phenomena.3、 Please promote, support, and encourage the National Bar Association1. PromotionThe National Lawyers Association can utilize the magazine, website, and cooperative media of China Lawyers to promote the positive significance of lawyer trademark business from multiple perspectives, classic cases, and * * * lawyers in the long term. Utilize opportunities such as training, seminars, annual meetings, and international exchanges to vigorously promote the trademark business of lawyers and create influence in the legal community. This will not only attract * * * lawyers and young lawyers to join, but also allow lawyers to encounter such business and recommend it to trademark lawyers, increase the volume of trademark business for lawyers, help trademark lawyers accumulate experience, and grow rapidly.2. SupportThe National Lawyers Association is requested to provide significant funding support for lawyer trademark activities on an annual basis. The Intellectual Property Commission needs to do a lot of work, including basic training, high-end seminars, international peer exchanges, and media support.3. EncouragementThe National Lawyers Association should take advantage of various opportunities to encourage trademark lawyers, giving them a sense of honor and mission. In the evaluation and promotion activities, more quota should be given to trademark lawyers, and individual honors and honors can also be considered to establish a good image of lawyer trademark legal services.4、 Guidance, training, and standardization of trademark business by the National Lawyers and Intellectual Property Commission1. GuidanceOpen online answers, revise the China Trademark Business Guide, and organize experienced members to guide lawyers in trademark business in various forms.2. TrainingThe Intellectual Property Commission plans to provide various forms of trademark business training, including basic and high-end services, lawyers and officials, free and paid services, online and on-site services. The aim is to enable some lawyers to master the basic knowledge and skills of trademark agency in a short period of time, and to cultivate a group of trademark lawyers with a certain level of expertise to represent difficult cases, forming a group advantage and driving the trademark business of other lawyers.3. NormsOrganize experienced lawyers to write "Trademark Business Risk Tips" and "Trademark Business Guidelines" to help lawyers avoid risks and regulate their trademark business. At the same time, standardize trademark business fees, avoid low price competition, ensure the basic income of trademark lawyers, and create conditions for healthy development.Chapter 6 The Importance of Lawyers Providing Good Trademark Legal ServicesTrademark legal services are important legal services for enterprises under modern market economy conditions, as well as intellectual property legal services that lawyers can easily and effectively provide. We must have a profound understanding and confidence in this regard. Moreover, providing good trademark legal services by lawyers is of great significance to the country, trademark authorities, enterprises, lawyers themselves, and other parties:1、 Beneficial for the implementation of the national intellectual property strategy, serving the transformation of the country's economic development mode, and building an innovative countryIn a market economy, competition between enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce, and intellectual property rights such as trademarks have become an important driving force and core competitiveness for sustainable development of enterprises. It determines whether enterprises can break through various barriers and step out of * * *, and determines their future and even life and death. Intellectual property has become an important manifestation of national competitiveness and the foundation for establishing an innovative country. Lawyers providing trademark legal services is of great significance for China to implement its national intellectual property strategy, accelerate the transformation of economic development mode, and build an innovative country. China is vigorously promoting the National Intellectual Property Strategy, one of the three major national strategies. The Party and * * * have repeatedly emphasized the implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy, and intellectual property also plays an important role in the process of transforming the country's economic development mode. High quality trademark and other intellectual property legal services are of great significance for the acquisition, management, application, and protection of intellectual property, and are an important and indispensable component of the national intellectual property strategy.Lawyers have relatively higher legal and political literacy, and have more * * * legal knowledge and skills. They are representatives and important guarantees of the progressiveness of legal services in China. Lawyers actively expand and engage in intellectual property legal services such as trademarks, which can also be said to be contributing to the implementation of national policies, serving the overall situation, and contributing to the prosperity and rejuvenation of the country, and has strong political significance.2、 Beneficial for lawyers to serve agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, and can have a good social effectThe State Administration for Industry and Commerce is carrying out the work of serving rural areas with geographical indications, certification trademarks, and agricultural product trademarks. This work is of great significance for China's agricultural industrialization, increasing farmers' income, and developing rural economy. Lawyers can cooperate with the Trademark Office, local governments, and industry associations to actively help popularize the Trademark Law, enhance the trademark awareness of agricultural industry practitioners, actively act as agents for geographical indications, certification trademarks, and agricultural product trademark rights confirmation and protection, assist in trademark management and operation, and improve the competitiveness of China's agricultural products in the international market. This is a great way for lawyers to serve agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, and it will undoubtedly have a good social effect in our country, which is very worthy of vigorous promotion.3、 It is conducive to reflecting the positive role of the Ministry of Justice in guiding lawyers to serve the national intellectual property strategy and serve the national economic constructionUnder the strong promotion of the Ministry of Justice, lawyers have successfully expanded their trademark agency business, which is an important contribution made by the Ministry of Justice to the development of the legal industry. Lawyers providing trademark legal services can further amplify this effect, fully demonstrating that the Ministry of Justice is actively guiding lawyers to serve society, the government, and the country's economic development. Lawyers have made achievements in the field of trademarks, and the Ministry of Justice can publish their achievements in implementing the national intellectual property strategy at the inter ministerial joint meeting, reflecting the role of judicial administrative agencies in the national intellectual property strategy.4、 Beneficial for improving the efficiency of trademark authorities and courts, reducing case backlog, and improving the quality of case trialsWith the addition of more lawyers, the level of trademark legal services provided by lawyers has improved, and the trademark business of lawyers has been improved and upgraded. The overall service quality of lawyers will be significantly higher than that of trademark agents, which can significantly improve the work efficiency of trademark offices, commercial judges, and courts. Reducing the backlog of cases and reducing work pressure, trademark authorities, courts, and lawyers can easily form a positive interaction, which will greatly help to jointly improve the level of trademark confirmation and protection. It is bound to promote the development of China's trademark industry, better serve enterprises, and increase domestic and international competitiveness.5、 Beneficial for promoting the expansion of lawyer business, expanding the influence of lawyers, and improving the social status of lawyersLawyers providing good trademark legal services and forming a positive interaction with the trademark authority can have a series of positive impacts, such as improving the efficiency of the trademark authority, eliminating backlog of cases, etc. It can greatly help expand the intellectual property business of lawyers, and also drive other legal services to increase the volume and income of lawyers.Trademark and other intellectual property legal services are high-end businesses in legal services. Doing a good job in trademark legal services is beneficial for lawyers to upgrade and transform, improve their level and social status. In addition, trademark legal services are mostly non litigation businesses, and even if there are litigation businesses, there is no strong confrontation with public power. The scope of trademark legal services is broad and there are many customers. Providing good trademark legal services can easily change the negative evaluation of lawyers by the public, and is conducive to establishing a positive image of lawyers serving enterprises, society, and the country.


On the Construction of "Gentleman" Type Labor Relations and Legal System

Extracted from China Lawyers NetworkAbstract: Labor relations are a fundamental social relationship in the industrial era and an important criterion for measuring whether society is harmonious. Labor relations and corresponding legal system issuesLabor relations are a fundamental social relationship in the industrial era and an important criterion for measuring social harmony. The issue of labor relations and corresponding legal systems not only involves the realization of the rights and interests of hundreds of millions of workers, but also involves the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development and the construction of a socialist harmonious society, which is a topic of great practical significance.1、 Overview of Theoretical Research on Labor Relations and Related Legal System ConstructionLabor relations refer to the social and economic relationships formed between workers and labor users in the process of realizing labor. According to different attitudes towards whether labor relations can be reconciled, foreign theories on labor relations can be divided into: natural harmony theory, irreconcilable theory, and reconcilable theory. The labor relations theory in our country has gone through three stages: the Three Principles of the People's Republic of China labor capital coordination theory, the New Democratic labor capital dual benefit theory, and the socialist theory of balancing public and private interests.In the mid-20th century, due to differences in historical culture and legal traditions, as well as differences in the specific system and operation mode of the national economy, three distinctive labor legal system models emerged: the first was the common law model in the UK and the US, characterized by less direct intervention and adjustment by the government or law in labor relations matters. The second is the German and French civil law model characterized by the state's intervention in labor relations through written laws, with a high degree of intervention. The third is the Japanese model, which combines the characteristics of the first two and implements three different labor legal systems: lifelong employment system, collective bargaining and agreement system at the enterprise level, and universal qualification system. A labor relations legal system has been formed, which includes three basic systems: individual interest system, collective rights system, and labor dispute resolution system. In China, the development of the legal system of labor relations presents a completely different picture. On the one hand, a large number of written laws have been promulgated one after another, and the intervention of the state and laws in the field of labor relations is increasing; On the other hand, more and more civil organizations established or involved in accordance with legal provisions and national policies are participating in the coordination and resolution of labor disputes.From the perspective of theoretical research on labor relations and the construction process of labor relations legal system, labor management conflict and coordination have always been the core issues of theoretical research and legal system construction. The evolution of the intervention strength of the state and law runs through the entire process of labor relations theory research and legal system construction, and has not yet been resolved. How to solve this problem is undoubtedly crucial for building and developing stable and harmonious labor relations, and building a harmonious society. Therefore, the author proposes a "gentleman" type of labor relations and legal system, hoping to solve the legal adjustment problem of labor relations.2、 "Gentleman" type labor relations and legal system construction(1) The Ecological Existence of "Gentleman" Type Labor Relations and Legal Systems - "Harmony but Differences"Confucius said, "A gentleman is harmonious but different, while a petty person is harmonious but not harmonious." "Harmony" and "unity" are a pair of philosophical concepts. "Harmony" and "unity" are two different states of existence of things, and they are two different methods for people to handle problems. "Harmony" refers to the unity and harmony of different things, which is the unity of contradictions; "Same" refers to the addition and unity of the same things. What we are pursuing is a "harmonious but different" form of labor relations that is full of vitality and can continuously innovate and create harmonious labor relations. Therefore, the author refers to it as a "gentleman" type of labor relations with the help of ancient Chinese culture. It encompasses two aspects of meaning, or in other words, its existence manifests as two levels of ecology.1. From a macro perspective, it is a harmonious coexistence of different modes of labor relations and legal systems.It requires different enterprises to develop different rules and regulations and establish different labor relationship models based on their own industry characteristics, nature, and corporate culture, rather than requiring companies to have uniform rules and regulations and labor relationship models. Confucius said, "The heart of a gentleman is common... although it is harmonious with others, it is not." The "gentleman" type of labor relationship we want is a vibrant and harmonious labor relationship composed of different rules and regulations, and different labor relationship models, that is, a "harmonious but different" social labor relationship that is "harmonious with reality", rather than a "same but not harmonious" social labor relationship that is contradictory due to the demand for consistency. However, no matter how different there may be, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers, adjusting labor relations, building and maintaining a labor system that adapts to the socialist market economy, promoting economic development and social progress, are the "ways" that "gentlemen" cannot abandon.2. From a micro perspective, it is the combination and unity of various labor relations and legal elements.It requires that the rules and regulations of the enterprise, as well as the culture of the enterprise, should be a system that allows for the existence and development of individual personalities of workers, fully tapping into their personal potential, and promoting the vitality and vitality of the enterprise; Instead of emphasizing discipline and consistency, it is a corporate culture and regulations that stifle the individuality and enthusiasm of workers. It is a harmonious labor relationship that integrates various elements of labor relations, allowing managers and workers, or labor and management, to fulfill their respective responsibilities while also contributing to the development of the enterprise. It is a labor relationship that is harmonious but different from real life.In summary, labor legislation should add flexible provisions and reduce rigid provisions. Labor law should be a flexible law that allows for the existence of different labor relationship models, so as to be in line with the modern legislative trend internationally.(2) The values of "Dao" and "righteousness" as the first priority, and the unity of righteousness and benefit, as well as interpersonal relationships, are the essential content of the "gentleman" type of labor relations and legal systemA gentleman is compared to righteousness, while a petty person is compared to profit. This is the values and interpersonal relationship concept of a "gentleman" type of labor relationship, which includes the following layers of meaning.1. The values of righteousness and benefit are based on the principle of "non benevolence and righteousness cannot make a living" and "dual existence of righteousness and benefit".There is a saying in "Huainanzi": "A gentleman cannot be born without benevolence and righteousness. Without benevolence and righteousness, he will lose his reason for being born." Adhering to benevolence and righteousness, "non benevolence and righteousness cannot be born" is the cornerstone of the "gentleman" type of labor relations and legal system construction. At the same time, the "gentleman" type of labor relations and their legal system are not oligarchic, but advocate for the unity of righteousness and benefit. "Justice and profit are two things that a person has, although Yao and Shun could not satisfy the people's desires for profit." (Xunzi)2. The values of virtue and talent are "virtue, handsomeness, talent, and talent", which embody both virtue and talent.Sima Guang said in his "Zizhi Tongjian": "A wise and resolute person is called a talented person, and a just and balanced person is called a virtuous person. A talented person is the capital of virtue; a virtuous person is the commander of talent... Virtue surpasses talent is called a gentleman, and talent surpasses virtue is called a petty person."3. The interpersonal relationship concept of "harmony with righteousness", "non morality", and "displeasure".A gentleman talks about unity, not collusion. According to Wang Yinzhi's "Jing Yi Shu Wen", "Those who combine righteousness are Zhou; those who combine benefit are Bi." This is the interpersonal relationship connotation of the "gentleman" type of labor relationship. Firstly, for any party in labor relations, it should be strict with oneself and lenient towards others. "A gentleman seeks all of oneself, while a petty person seeks all of others." Secondly, the relationship between people should be dignified without competing for wealth and benefits, and harmonious without forming cliques for personal gain. "A gentleman is reserved but does not argue, and a group does not join the party." After * * *, "a gentleman" is the only person who is talented. Confucius said, "A gentleman is easy to do but difficult to say (pleased). When he says (pleased), he does not use the Tao, he does not say (pleased); when he uses people, he uses tools. When a petty person is difficult to do, he is easy to say (pleased). When he says (pleased), he does not use the Tao, he says (pleased); when he uses people, he seeks (pleased)." A gentleman should adhere to principles ("Tao"), and hire people according to their abilities, rather than blaming them for everything.Looking at the current labor laws, regulations, and even labor laws and policies in China, there are very few regulations on corporate culture construction, as well as regulations on the moral and talent connotations of labor relations and interpersonal relationships, which clearly have serious shortcomings. Building a "gentleman" type of labor relationship and establishing corresponding legal systems require us to demonstrate the spirit of combining morality and talent through labor legislation and policies. The author advocates the return of the essence of ancient law, that is, to attach importance to the mutual penetration of law and morality in content, to transform mature moral obligations into legal obligations as far as possible, and to give play to the guiding role of law in moral construction in the field of labor relations in combination with the flexible characteristics of law.(3) "Wen Zhi Bin Bin" is the essential requirement and manifestation of the "gentleman" type of labor relations and legal systemConfucius said, "When quality surpasses literature, it leads to wildness, and when literature surpasses quality, it leads to history. When literature is refined and refined, it leads to a gentleman." "Literature" and "quality" are a pair of philosophical concepts first proposed by Confucius, which are the same as the phenomena and essence, form and content that we talk about today. On a macro level, establishing a "gentleman" type of labor relationship and constructing a "gentleman" type of labor relationship legal system, labor legislation should reflect the actual level of social and economic development, adhere to the unity of form and content, and avoid excessive and excessive. From a micro perspective, the rules and regulations of a company should be in line with its actual state. Otherwise, it not only hinders the harmony and stability of labor relations, but also disrupts the normal order of the company.(4) "Striving for self-improvement" and "carrying virtue" are the vitality of the "gentleman" type of labor relations and legal systemThe concepts of "self-improvement and self-improvement" and "carrying virtue with substance" reveal the trajectory and driving force of the development and changes of "gentleman" type labor relations.1. A gentleman should respect the heavens and strive for self-improvement.The hexagrams of "Yi Zhuan" and "Qian" have a saying: "Heavenly conduct is healthy; gentlemen strive for self-improvement." It indicates that the improvement of human morality requires, on the one hand, an experiential imitation object (heavenly conduct); On the other hand, it requires a rational level of subjective consciousness; At the same time, it is necessary to continuously internalize the character power of the "object" (heaven) in moral practice, enrich the content of subjective consciousness, and enrich oneself in the integration of the two, so as to become the main source of showcasing the charm of human character. It reflects a correct understanding of the essence and laws of nature. When applied to the construction of harmonious labor relations and corresponding legal systems, it also includes two levels of significance. Firstly, from a macro social perspective, it requires us to always pay attention to the construction of our legal system, reflect the actual social and economic laws, continuously improve the legal system, and achieve consistency, integration, and unity between the legal system as an important component of the superstructure and the economic foundation. Secondly, from the micro perspective of the construction of enterprise labor relations, the construction of enterprise rules and regulations should be a dynamic system that can not only reflect the actual situation of social development in a timely manner, but also reflect the unique characteristics of the enterprise, and can adjust and correct itself in a timely manner.2. The concept of "carrying things with virtue" is the vitality of the development of "gentleman" type labor relations and legal systems.It embodies a quality of being broad, accommodating, generous, and resilient. The quality of being a "gentleman" with "virtue and carrying things" is crucial for harmonious labor relations that are suitable for the characteristics of the times. The protection of rights and social harmony is a contradictory unity. The concept of rights and the system of rights protection bring individual liberation and protection for the exercise and enjoyment of individual rights, but also bring many disputes. Therefore, the construction of a "gentleman" type labor relationship and legal system that includes various rights, resolves conflicts, and harmonizes and coexists is a requirement of the development of the times. Individual abandonment or transfer of partial rights in exchange for the overall harmony of the community is the value pursuit of traditional Chinese society and the main path to building a stable social order. We should not only strengthen the legislative protection of individual rights, but also attach importance to the promoting function of the rights system and the concept of * * * in promoting harmony. Firstly, while protecting the rights of vulnerable groups and individuals, labor legislation should not forget that the subject of rights not only refers to individual natural persons and workers, but also to enterprises, social organizations, and government agencies. Secondly, no right exists in isolation, it inevitably comes with related obligations and responsibilities. We should fully pay attention to and grasp the systematic nature of rights, obligations, and responsibilities. Thirdly, a certain type of right of a specific subject is inevitably in a state of coexistence with similar rights of other subjects, and the status of each subject is equal. At the same time, the existence of one category of rights cannot be a legitimate and reasonable reason to deny the existence of other types of rights. In short, in the construction of harmonious labor relations and their legal system, we must fully promote the ideas of harmony, coexistence, tolerance, humility, and compromise, and truly build a "gentleman" type of labor relationship that is broad, tolerant, honest, and accommodating, with softness and strength.In summary, creating a "gentleman" type of labor relationship, constructing a "gentleman" type of labor legal system, integrating the different interests and needs of various rights subjects, resolving the contradictions of various rights subjects, making various different rights subjects coexist, constructing and developing harmonious and stable labor relationships, and building a harmonious society is no longer a difficult task.



  摘自中国律师网   案情简介   2006年起,甲某以笔名“MRSJ”先后在A公司网站上发表了多部作品,并与A公司签订协议,将作品的信息网络传播权等著作权***授权或转让给A公司,在此期间,A公司共向甲某陆续支付了共计二百余万元的稿酬。   2010年1月18日,A公司与甲某签订《白金作者作品协议》一份,约定甲某将自协议生效之日起四年内所创作的所有作品在全球范围内的信息网络传播权及电子形式的汇编权、改编权、复制权、发行权等全部永久转让于A公司。并排除甲某本人于本协议签订后自行行使或向第三方转让、授权上述权利。合同还约定了当事人的违约责任以及违约金条款。   同日,A公司与甲某还签订了《委托创作协议》一份。约定甲某作为专属作者,受A公司委托创作的协议作品,著作权及一切衍生权利完全排他地归属于A公司。在协议期内未经A公司书面许可,甲某不得以真实姓名、笔名或其他姓名、名称等任何名义,将甲某在协议期间内创作的包括协议作品在内的各类作品交于或许可第三方发表、使用或开发,或者为第三方创作各类作品。A公司将于协议生效之日起30个工作日内,向甲某支付预付款人民币10万元整。2010年2月10日,A公司依约向甲某预付了10万元创作资金。   2010年6月18日,甲某与B公司签订《劳动合同书》一份,担任B公司游戏策划部门总监一职,合同期限5年。合同约定,甲某按B公司要求进行职务作品创作,作品著作权归B公司所有。2010年7月18日,甲某以“MRSJ”的笔名在B公司指定的网站上发表作品《JS》,连载至2012年2月5日结束。   案例选送:上海市***中级人民法院   诉争焦点   本案的争议焦点是《白金作者作品协议》和《委托创作协议》的效力及违约责任。   法院判决   原审判决:一、A公司与甲某继续履行双方于2010年1月18日签订的《白金作者作品协议》;二、A公司与甲某继续履行双方于2010年1月18日签订的《委托创作协议》;三、甲某停止在B公司指定的网站继续发表《JS》;四、甲某应于判决生效后十日内支付A公司违约金人民币20万元;五、甲某创作的《JS》著作权(除法律规定不可转让的权利以外)归A公司所有;六、驳回A公司的其余诉讼请求;七、驳回甲某的全部诉讼请求。   二审判决:一、维持原审判决第五项;二、撤销原审判决***、二、三、四、六、七项;三、甲某与A公司于2010年1月18日签订的《白金作者作品协议》、《委托创作协议》于判决生效之日解除;四、甲某应于判决生效之日起十日内向A公司

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